

2017 in Bullet Points.

It's the last day of the year, time for a review of 2017. Found a new regular yoga teacher and learned the 9 part breath. #namaste Interviewed improv legend Neil Mullarkey for my podcast. #bringabrick Got my geek on delivering two talks at the Manchester WordPress Group. #mwug Judged ciders at the Manchester Real Ale […]

Training the trainer. Growing with the business growth hub.

Back in October I joined a programme called 'Spark 2 Scale'. A series of workshops run by The Business Growth Hub designed to boost businesses and help me grow the success of my own training sessions. I'm at the halfway point and already seeing benefits. From practical networking to personal effectiveness and growth hacking.   Here […]

Storytelling at the Locality Convention

Storytelling: getting your voice heard. John Cooper blogs about the break out training session offered by Power to Change at the Locality Convention On the 14th November I was invited by community business organisation Power to Change to deliver a break out session at the Locality Convention in Manchester. If you were there, hello! Public speaking  […]

A Life Less Ordinary

Choosing to put comedy, illustration and my other disciplines on one website might sound obvious, but it was actually a really tough decision. The term 'jack of all trades' is a phrase that has bugged me for years.  I know it's negative connotations and consider myself an optimist, but I've always thought I was one. […]

What can business learn from a 33 hour long performance?

Last week I joined 30 other performers taking part in a thirty three hour long show that was completely improvised. It had comedy, high drama, songs and characters including a space pirate, a giant slug and a Cyberman (from Doctor Who) - that was me. You'd be right to wonder how this is relevant to […]

Improvising interviews and fast learning - my podcast

I started my podcast in late 2016, interviewing people who use improvisation techniques in their work. Six months and fifteen episodes later and already it's paid off in more ways than I can think. Fifteen isn't a massive number of episodes for a podcast, but the original intention was to 'box it off' as a project with […]

Real World Clients

  I've just delivered a couple of talks at 'WMUG', a group run by Mike Little one of the co-founders of the crazily popular WordPress system. The first was on podcasting and the second was on 'Real World Clients'. I've already posted on how I created the podcast over on my design blog, and if you're interested the podcast itself, interviewing […]

Comedysportz returns to Manchester

Great news to see Comedysportz back in Manchester. It's been a long time since the last regular show at the Comedy Store, and now returning to the lovely new theatre space 53 TWO just off Deansgate lock feels just right. The regular monthly show in Sale Waterside has been selling out the last few months, with over […]

My Top 5 TEDx talks of 2016.

For a bit of inspiration  in 2017, here's my top 5 pick of TEDx talks in 2016. It's the end of the year. Sad though it is I'm not going to dwell on the number of famous and talented deceased. We're all going to die one day, and I don't mean to be morbid. If […]

On Tour with One Man Star Wars

September and October have been pretty epic. I've recently come back from my fourth tour support with the Charles Ross and his 'One Man Star Wars' Show. Three weeks on the road, playing sixteen venues across the UK, it's been as tiring as it has rewarding. One of the biggest highlights was playing Salford Lowry […]
John Cooper
Comedian & Improv coach
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