Improvising interviews and fast learning - my podcast


I started my podcast in late 2016, interviewing people who use improvisation techniques in their work. Six months and fifteen episodes later and already it's paid off in more ways than I can think.

Fifteen isn't a massive number of episodes for a podcast, but the original intention was to 'box it off' as a project with a beginning and an end so it didn't turn into a spiralling not-for-profit time sink. Focus on quality, not quantity, find great guests willing to give up an hour of their time to be interviewed about their work.

It's been enlightening listening to different points of view, and stories of people in different parts of the world and how they teach the 'way' of improv in different environments. I'm getting a lot of great feedback and it's evolved into one of the most enjoyable things I do.

Check out the Bring a brick website and have a listen.

John Cooper
Comedian & Artist
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