2017 in Bullet Points.


It's the last day of the year, time for a review of 2017.

  • Found a new regular yoga teacher and learned the 9 part breath. #namaste
  • Interviewed improv legend Neil Mullarkey for my podcast. #bringabrick
  • Got my geek on delivering two talks at the Manchester WordPress Group. #mwug
  • Judged ciders at the Manchester Real Ale festival. #freecider
  • Got through all The Apprentice interviews in the Manchester heat. #notfired
  • Taught my first corporate training session #RocketSteps #PresentYourself
  • Joined the lovely folk that are Manchester Road Runners #MRR
  • Ran the Sunderland 10k in 52 minute and 29 seconds. #Howaymelegs
  • I'm the Mayor of Wirrals Favourite comedy act. #DannyPensive
  • Did the 8th Annual Liverpool improvathon with #Impropriety
  • Design work beamed out on huge video screens in a field. #WentworthMusicFestival.
  • Rode a ‘G Bike’ and did a headstand at the Google Campus in Silicon Vally, California
  • Visited the offices of Adobe and said hello to Photoshop.
  • Met the real California Highway patrol.
  • Did a live illustration commission
  • Got name checked in Sarah Millican's autobiography.
  • Taught improv at Cambridge university.
  • I'd book you but I don't think we can afford you” Best feedback ever after a training session.
  • Got my book on Amazon (go and buy it)
  • Did an improvised pantomime #Comedysportz
  • Watched the Doctor Who Christmas special in a school hall.
  • Yearly running stats: 1633km.
John Cooper
Comedian & Improv coach
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