On Tour - Bridlington & Nottingham


Day 18 - Bridlington
Down the North East coast to Bridlington and the Spa Pavillion Theatre. I've played there a few times before but not the main theatre. The Victoria guest house, actually in hindsight all of Bridlington is geared toward old people, as evidenced by the three shopping scooters in the lounge and the sit-down shower in our room. Navigating around the town is difficult due to the sheer number of old people who have all perfected the art of getting in the way, and parking the scooters in shop doorways. That said its a also a charity shop mecca and has a large branch of Boyes, so you can even buy charity shop clothes 1st hand. I bought a green sleeveless cardigan. Surprise - I bumped into Steve, one of our comedysportz players on his hols, so a welcome lunch passed the time, and a healthy(ish) one too for a change.

Bridlington isn't a bad place, In fact it was a top night and the numbers in the show were defied by sheer volume and enthusiasm of an audience who really loved me and Charlie. Aftershow we headed back to the guesthouse for a quick drink in the front-room-converted-into-a-bar, then headed out. The landlord tried to convince us the pubs were about to close at half 10, but we knew better. We met up with Pez and Kylie, two lovely lasses who clearly know how to enjoyed themselves and were escorted around the pubs and nightclubs of Bridlington. I danced stupidly with the locals. There is video of this, will try to get it online.

Day 19 & 20 - Nottingham

The Lakeside Theatre was a sold out show and the missus turned up to film it too, so easily the best show yet, and followed by another well earned break which may only seem like days since the last, but touring days are long and transient - I feel like I've been doing this for months, not weeks. With some cajoling from the missus we took in the city of Nottingham, then headed out to sherwood forest and saw the major oak where Robin Hood did his banditry -  and we did some archery, which was well cool even though I didn't hit anything - and the archery bloke said I was one of those funny 'left handers'.I get an email from Ben - who I've not seen since university radio, easily 10 years back - who was at the show and got a massive shock when I walked out on to the stage, so we hooked for drinks and did a great big catch up session. The woman headed off home from her all too brief visit. I haz a sad. I haz a dominos pizza. and a cider. now not so sad.

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John Cooper
Comedian & Improv coach
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