The Megabus to Hebburn


Last night I was invited to Stockton to watch Hebburn, what is a new sitcom on the telly written by Jason Cook. It was proper showbiz and there was a lot of buzz. I will not tell you what happened so as not to spoil it, but I'm sure my nanna knows some of the old women in the care home in episode two. It is great to see the proper North East on the telly again, and proper North East comedy too. There are lots of Funny folk in it including Jason himself, Chris Ramsey and his hair, Kimberley Nixon and Steffan Peddie who is a big jolly fellow. Gina McGee is in it and she is lovely and funny. I like her.
Hebburn starts on BBC2 on Thursday 18th October at 10pm.

John Cooper
Comedian & Artist
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