Confidence Through Comedy


Want to get better at speaking and presenting? Be confident, comfortable, and inspiring,  whatever the situation.

Taking experience from the demanding environment of stand-up comedy,  I use stand-up techniques and applied improvisation to help unlock the creativity and resourcefulness needed to speak naturally and confidently.

We focus on skills required to engage, maintain and entertain an audience. It will increase your confidence and capability to develop a personal voice that can inform and inspire. There are no scripts and no rehearsals, just laughs and lots of learning.

Soft skills in the work place.

Why are good soft skills important? In the workplace advances in technology and automation are leading to a decrease in jobs and career choices. Futurologists predict this trend is set to continue in sectors such as transport, accountancy, law and customer services.

Many thanks to John, a real master in the craft of improvised speaking.
- Andy Atkins, Resonant

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In addition to this the culture of social media has led to an increase in screen use for simple conversations. We live in a wonderfully connected world, however  methods of communicating are creating a damaging social dynamic, leading to a decrease in quality soft skills and human interaction. Check out Susan Greenfield's TED talk; Ted Talk: Susan Greenfield: technology and the human mind.

With these issues in mind, it's more important than ever to re-invest in ourselves and each other,  at work and at home.

“Didn’t feel like training and it was interactive, good fun.”
– Staff at Avecto, Manchester

"Amazing workshop, thank you for making the storytelling so much fun"
The Coalville Hero Project

"Excellent workshop on telling your story"
Jax Lovelock - Dewsbury Park Mansion

Future-proof  your skills.

“By 2021 a disruptive tidal wave will begin. Solutions powered by AI/cognitive technology will displace jobs, with the biggest impact felt in transportation, logistics, customer service and consumer services.”
Brian Hopkins. Forrester Report

Public speaking Manchester. Presenting Skills Manchester. Stand up comedy workshop. Presentation skills workshop. Public speaking workshop.



“Excellent session. John made us feel at ease and have fun whilst giving us valuable advice and skills.”
- Liz Whitely

“Eye-opening and something that I'd do again”
- David Norris

“Scary but loads of fun too, brilliant.”
- Terry Corbett

"Really enjoyed it and got out of my comfort zone."
- Connor Aston


Taking experience from the demanding environment of stand-up comedy,  John's 'Present Yourself!' sessions use stand-up comedy to help unlock creative thinking and build confidence. They focus on improving engagement, better storytelling and ad-libbing while staying on topic.

Training workshops and 1 on 1 sessions provide individual feedback and side coaching. There are no scripts and no rehearsals, just lots of  laughs and learning.


Many thanks to John, a real master in the craft of improvised speaking. - Andy Atkins, Resonant

"I came away with more confidence and an understanding that I can talk about topics that I'm passionate about in a way to engage the  audience" - Ollie, Business Growth Hub

"Got a lot from it. Hope to implement in my workplace." - Manchester Business Growth Hub

"Amazing workshop, thank you for making the storytelling so much fun"
The Coalville Hero Project

"Excellent workshop on telling your story"
Jax Lovelock - Dewsbury Park Mansion

“Didn’t feel like training and it was interactive, good fun.”
– Staff at Avecto, Manchester

“Excellent session. John made us feel at ease and have fun whilst giving us valuable advice and skills.”

- Liz Whitely

"Brilliant – straight away comfortably out of my comfort zone!"- Manchester Business Growth Hub event

“Eye-opening and something that I'd do again”
- David Norris

“Scary but loads of fun too, brilliant.”
- Terry Corbett

"Really enjoyed it and got out of my comfort zone."
- Connor Aston



How are outcomes recorded?
Feedback is recorded during the workshop and reviewed during an end of workshop discussion.

How long will it last?
Duration is flexible, based on number of attendees.

Where does it take place?
Location is flexible. Either on-site with the client or at a designated venue space.

How Much does it cost?
The cost of the workshop is dependant on number attendees and duration.

Previous clients:

    John Cooper
    Comedian & Artist
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