Podcast: Cathy Salit | Performance of a lifetime


Cathy Salit | Performance of a lifetime

Cathy Salit is CEO of Performance of a Lifetime. She has delivered hundreds of keynote speeches on how using performance in everyday life helps with growth and productivity.

She's the author of Performance Breakthrough' A radical approach to success at work.

In conversation with Cathy we chat about her work at POAL, and how treating life as a great performance can be a strong catalyst for growth and change. How her company has developed over time using performance, improvisation and psychology  to create a safe 'playground' and lead to a diverse range of projects including working with inner city 'cops and kids' to to improving the doctor/patient relationship.


Direct Link (MP3 file)

Links: Performance of a lifetime | Cathy on Linkedin |  Performance Breakthrough

Bullet Points;

  • The human side of business strategy
  • Performative psychology
  • Who we are becoming; tapping into the natural ability to perform from childhood
  • Choose to Grown blog
  • Cathy the Jazz singer
  • The All Stars Project - Cops and kids finding common ground
  • Elisabeth Cleaners street school
  • Art and business building together
  • Form of life -  Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • David Nackman, Fred Newman
  • Your life story in one minute
  • Devising improv for medical residents - improving  the doctor patient relationship.
  • Using improv to create a 'playground' to approach emotionally difficult. conversations such as doctor patient DNR (do not resusitate).
  • Stephen Nachmanovitch, Free play.
  • Emotinal intelligence...why the need to prefix "intelligence"?
  • "The Sales Whisperer" - Daniel Pink, author of To Sell is human.
  • Bringing performance to the sales pitch.
  • Our ability to change is a performance choice.
  • We need weird! Doing something new to find change.
  • The art of selling, networking and other schmoozy things.
  • Don't worry about the sale.
John Cooper
Comedian & Improv coach
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