Podcast: Series 1 Summary | To connect and improve.


A summary of the first eight podcasts.



I've interviewed a pretty board range to people so far and the interest and feedback has been great. The tone has shifted from episode to episode, depending on the guest and subject matter, some have been fun, some more serious, and that I think is a good thing.

If you've been listening to Bring a Brick, I'd urge you leave a review on itunes or Stitcher. There's no funding for publicity, so it's all word of mouth and fingers on keyboards.  What do you want to hear?

Why the podcast?

I'm am naturally quite curious, and I wanted to do a podcast to connect and improve. I recently watched Ted talk from Susan Greenfield: Technology & the human mind, and how social media is reducing out attention span, how screens are effecting the quality of our interactions, so by doing a podcast I'd like to think I'm harnessing the technology for the forces of good!

In series 2 I'll in interviewing another 8 people who use improvisation in their work and play.


Direct download

John Cooper
Improv comedian & artist
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