Podcast: Adam St John Lawrence | Improvisation for Innovation


Adam is a customer experience consultant with a background in stand up comedy and psychology.

"We are going to break your ideas". Adam uses improv theatre techniques to drive design and innovation and is the co-initiator of the world's largest service innovation event, the 48 hour Global Service Jam.

In this interview we discuss how Adam brings his skills in theatre, marketing and design together with improvisation. Using the 'yes and' in service design,  showing client's how to embrace uncertainty, understand the world they sell to and deliver a better product and service. We touch on the subjects of conformation bias,  big ideas versus cheap experiments and allowing flexibility within structure.


Bullet Points

  • The handicraft of emotion
  • Treating design prototypes as offers
  • The iterative stages of innovation & customer centric innovation
  • Removing risk in product design
  • Using improv to generate ideas, break them and get better questions
  • "We've got this idea, how do we sell it?" - understand the world you're selling to.
  • Confirmation bias. Defending our own ideas and getting precious about them...
  • ideas generated by a group are my readily accepted.
  • Get up and try stuff, get your hands dirty and enjoy the uncertainty
  • Micheal Schrage, The Innovators Hypothesis - "You don't need big ideas, you need cheap experiments"
  • Service design & design thinking - moving away from a linear approach
  • How do you lead a non-linear, improvised approach to design?
  • A brief word on agile design & scrum
  • What works for you might not work for me; Allowing the flexibility for a great performance.
  • Tom Peters - If it's rock and roll you can smell it.
  • Global service Jam

www.workplayexperience.com | Adam on Twitter

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John Cooper
Comedian & Improv coach
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